Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Quantum logic as motivated by quantum computing


The title looked interesting, and I noticed Dunn was one of the co-authors. I recognize Dunn from his work on relevant logic, and I'm told he's a smart guy. Also, I like titles with the word "motivate" in them.

The paper explained what quantum logic is better than anything I've read so far. It didn't motivate quantum logic, though, or explain what it has to do with quantum computing.

If you're reading this, you're probably familiar with what a qubit is- sortof a complex number (actually a point on the Bloch sphere, but okay). If {0, 1}^n is the space of , then, C^n is (sortof) the space of n-qubit registers. As far as I can tell, the paper says quantum logic relates to quantum computing in that both have C^n in them. (Quantum logic does have something to do with quantum computing; but it models measurement, rather than quantum logic gates. Most published quantum algorithms use quantum logic gates cleverly and often, and measurement once, and at the end.)

I don't think you can build the meet, join, and complement operations of quantum logic out of quantum logic gates (which are actually (theoretically) used in quantum computing).

I recommend this paper if you're interested in orthomodular lattices, not if you're interested in quantum computing.


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